The Waiting Game
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Why is it that wherever I venture out to run errands, be on time for a meeting or dine with my family, I am always forced to wait? Waiting for a table at a crowded restaurant, waiting at the bank, waiting for the door to pre-school to open. I'm really getting tired of the waiting game. I know I've already gone undercover at restaurants sharing how we are completely ignored by the waitstaff whenever we're ready to place an order. But this week pretty much took the cake.
You see, this past Friday, I had an important meeting that I couldn't be late for and when I arrived 20 minutes early at the security desk, the lethargic, and I mean slow as molasses security staff decided to pull a doozy on me.
"You're not in the system so you can't go upstairs," one of the guards announced.
"Well I have the phone number for my contact, can't you just call her and let me up?"
"I called her. She's not there."
"But I need to get up there."
"That's not my problem," was the response and then she rolled her eyes at me and looked at her partners in security crime and made me wait at least another 10 minutes before she finally gave me access to the building.
Honestly, did I look like a threat or out for that 5 foot chick with the menacing handbag - or was she just purposely being extra slow just to push my buttons?
One day, I'd love to figure out how to turn the tables on the people who have made me wait. So watch out lazy security guard, new Starbucks employee, hostess at that Chinese restaurant in Boynton, teller at the bank in midtown, I'm still working out the kinks, but somehow you're all going to find out what it's like to wait...and trust me, you won't like it either!
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