How Am I Driving?
For the first time in my adult life, I actually called one of those How Am I Driving? bumper stickers after we were stuck behind a van tonight that was hovering from side to side on a busy highway. We were shocked that this awful driver would have the guts to put up a sticker inviting us to report his terrible skills on the road to his boss. At first, we laughed it off. But then, when a cigarette came flying out of his window and right under our car, we were ready to fight back. Armed with the phone number 1-800-807-SAFE, I tried to report that dangerous driver in front of us, except all that I got on the other end was a recording that said the phone number I was trying to reach was out of service. Are you kidding me? I suddenly realized that those bumper stickers could be the ultimate scam. I've never tried to call one of those phone numbers and now that I have, I'm tempted to try it every time I pass a car or truck with that annoying sticker plastered on the back. And if all those stickers don't work, then who's pulling off the scam? The bumper sticker company or the boss who made his employee stick it on his van in the first place? it a ploy by a devious boss who tries to get his workers to drive safe by slapping an embarrassing bumper sticker on the back knowing full well that no one in their right mind is actually going to ever call that number? Well, the Undercover Mom is onto you...looks like I'll be doing some investigating of my never knows - this could turn into an expose of the bumper sticker industry! Or just a story about a poor schmo who ordered a bumper sticker with the wrong phone number on it.
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