
Sunday, October 28, 2007


So last night was date night and usually, I aim to select restaurants that don't have kids as patrons - not because I'm a snob or something - I am a parent myself - but when we've got a babysitter who's on the clock, the last thing we want to do is hit a restaurant with out of control kids. We can stay home for that one.
Getting back to our evening. Everything was going just fine, appetizers were delish, wine devine, main course arrived and then there was a shriek from another table. This couple, sitting with their daughter who looked to be about nine or ten started to yell really loudly because she dropped her small fork on the floor and she demanded that her parents get her another fork or else she was going to cause a scene.
Okay -now if this child has issues, I am incredibly sorry for even mentioning what transpired - but if she is just a bratty kid who can't control herself when she drops her fork, which I think she was, I think she needs to take a lesson from the Emily Post school of dining at a restaurant with your parents when it's supposed to be date night.
Rule number one - never scream loudly when you drop a utensil. Politely ask the waitress for another fork - no one has to hear you ranting and raving over your silly blunder.
Rule number two - stuffed animals do not belong on the table. Do I honestly need to be reminded that I left my two kids at home while you plop your furry pig right in front of me? If there's an extra seat, put your toys on the chair - not where everyone is eating.
Rule number three - if you're still at a restaurant with your child and if it's after 9:30pm and a drinking crowd has started to assemble near the bar, call your waitress over and get the check - after a certain time of night, there is no such thing as kid friendly dining at a bar.
Rule number four - even if your kid insists they join you on date night, push back, get a sitter or plan a sleepover for your ten year old at a friend's house.
Rule number five - Don't feel guilty. Date night is important for couples - and the more you get your child used to you going out on their own, the more independent he or she will be in the end.
To return to Role Mommy, Click Here. Or, to read the review of the fabulous singer who performed last night -and managed to take our mind off the screaming girl, then Click Here instead!


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